Welcome to the Covered Button Cabaret where creative folks can meet and mingle. Weather you're here for coffee and a tutorial (eventually), or a martini and jazz, all of my creative additctions converge here, where they abide in peace and harmony.

Monday, April 20, 2009

The Mother Load

the mother load
Originally uploaded by sunshine0216
After 15 minutes and $14, I left the thrift store with the greatest finds. The men of Detroit know how to dress, and I'm reaping the benefits of their good taste. Ralph Lauren, Phat Farm, Pierre Cardin, TailorByrd....yummy!

Time to dive into deconstruction/reconstruction.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Pattern Alterations by a Novice

I love Ottobre! Unfortunately, I only have 1 issue, 1/2008, but find ways to use the heck out of it. Believe it or not, this Easter outfit I made for my 4 year-old started as the "Ladybug Vest" and "Candy Pants" from that issue. I'm trying to be REALLY frugal, so rather than buying a pattern I decided to make things up as I went along. Sometimes this works for me....sometimes it comes back and bites me in the ass.

Originally I wanted knickers and a vest, but the only knicker pants in this issue call for a zipper. I was afraid that having not mastered zipping and buttoning quickly...he may have(potty)accidents. And since this is intended as an Easter outfit, we do what we must to avoid such accidents.

modified "candy pants"

Anyhow...I thought the ties and gathering at the bottom were girly, so I made leg cuffs and took 3 tucks on the outside of the leg on both the front and back. I had to deconstruct and reconstruct this once because I had the tucks on one leg going in the same direction as the other leg as opposed to both tucking toward the outside. I added pockets (Oliver LOVED these)and cut the fabric on the bias just to add some contrast.

Oliver vest

facing on vest

I used the "Ladybug Vest" pattern size 110, and altered the bejeezes out of it. First, I squared the front, and omitted the trim panels. I was just going to leave the neckline rounded, and do buttons on the front until my husband asked me to add lapels. I indulged him why? Since I already had it put together, I wasn't sure what to do about having to add facing. I put it down and traced, cut, overstitched the edges (I REALLY need a serger), and can't believe that it worked. I was seriously stunned! It's FAR from perfect, but unless I go around showing the inside...who's going to know? After all of that, it was too wide. I had to make the shoulders more narrow, and take the sides in. Then it was a little too narrow, and it made the pants poof out below the vest giving a reverse mushroom look. Shortened the length, moved the buttons over a little, and done.

Oliver. Easter outfit modeled

Ultimately, he looked adorable. I loved the way the pants fit him and I can tell he enjoyed wearing it...egg hunt, climbing trees, to the park...obviously comfy and durable.

The lesson here? Splurge and buy a pattern.